Noisy Neighbors 'Derailing The Hype Train' CD

  • Noisy Neighbors 'Derailing The Hype Train' CD

Noisy Neighbors 'Derailing The Hype Train' CD

Artist: Noisy Neighbors
Album: Derailing The Hype Train
Label: Grand Vomit Productions
Format: Jevel Case CD
Genre: Grindcore
Released: 2023
Location: USA

1. Confrontation Bias
2. Selective Outrage
3. Circling The Drain
4. Age Of Fragility
5. Born Slithering
6. Maladapted
7. Sinking Lower
8. Economy Of Force
9. Pattern Of Abuse
10. Zero Integrity
11. Accelerating Destitution
12. Uninformed Assumption
13. Diminished Capacity
14. Perpetual Trend
15. Path Of Least Resistance
16. Roasted
17. Logical Nonsense

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