Sebum Excess Production / Gas Gangrene 'Split' CD

  • Sebum Excess Production / Gas Gangrene 'Split' CD

Sebum Excess Production / Gas Gangrene 'Split' CD

Artist: Sebum Excess Production / Gas Gangrene
Album: Split
Label: Old Grindered Days Records
Format: Mini CD-R
Genre: Goregrind
Released: 2021
Location: Brazil/ russia

1. Sebum Excess Production - Cystical Face Explosion
2. Sebum Excess Production - Revenge Of Acne
3. Sebum Excess Production - Dermatoide Escatoloide
4. Sebum Excess Production - Malignant Ear-Sebum-Corrosion
5. Sebum Excess Production - The Sebum-Fecal Matter Blast
6. Sebum Excess Production - Horrendous Pus Manifestation
7. Gas Gangrene - Undifferentiated Carcinoma
8. Gas Gangrene - Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
9. Gas Gangrene - Chronic Alcohol Intoxication
10. Gas Gangrene - Metaplasia Of The Megakaryocyte Lineage
11. Gas Gangrene - Purulent Necrotic Process
12. Gas Gangrene - Gastrointestinal Bleeding

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